Puppetmongers introduce a stunningly beautiful world of imaginative experience, based on their own travels in Iran. This is a classic and moving Persian tale of a humble man whose generosity inadvertently draws him into the heady and dangerous world of powerful people and high finance. Each character finds their own parameters for happiness as the story resolves. The play is a celebration of the richness of Persian culture performed with delicately carved rod marionettes, delightful visual effects and traditional Persian music. Audiences are entranced by seeing a very different aspect of the middle-east rarely portrayed in the media.
In 1976 Puppetmongers Ann and David Powell toured Iran with their show, The Miller. Touched by the country and its people, they were inspired to create Walidad the Grass Cutter, based on their experiences and observations of an ancient culture adapting to a modern world. In 2004, Puppetmongers returned to Iran to perform Walidad at the 10th Tehran International Puppet Theatre Festival.
- For older family audiences: enjoyed by all ages, 9 to 109
- For schools: Grades 4 – 8
- Also plays well for adult audiences
For school touring information and bookings email Ann at: ann@puppetmongers.com
For all other inquiries email: info@puppetmongers.com
- For older family audiences: enjoyed by all ages, 9 and up
- For schools: Grades 4 – 8
- Also plays well for adult audiences
- Audience maximum 250 (either sitting on the gym floor or in raked seating)
- This play requires a raised stage, as the puppets are manipulated at the performers’ feet.
- 18′ wide by 12′ deep by 8′ high
- 5.2 meters wide X 3.5 meters deep X 2.5 meters ceiling.
- Approximately 45 minutes
- Post-performance Q & A available
Length of performance: 45 minutes. A Q & A session can be added on request
Set Up & Strike
- Set up time for the set is one hour in the performance area
- Take out time for the set is one hour/ minutes in the performance area
Age of audience:
- For Grades 4 – 8:
- Maximum audience: 250
Performing area: N.B. A raised stage is required (as the puppets work on the floor)
- 18′ wide by 12′ deep by 8′ high
- 5.2 meters wide X 3.5 meters deep X 2.5 meters ceiling.
Complete black out is desirable
Electricity: Access to a standard 120 volt outlet The company brings extension cords.
Equipment: The Company brings its own light and sound systems.
Personnel: 2 performers
For further technical details please contact: Email: info@puppetmongers.com
Telephone: 416-469-3555