A world of imaginative experience, based on the Puppetmongers' own travels in Iran.

Stunningly beautiful.
– Winnipeg Free Press

The Globe and Mail

The Miller's Wife

For Grades 4 to 8 / 30 minutes / Includes a recorded Q & A, to follow the viewing


The story, possibly found only in Ireland, is in its original form a tale about outwitting the Little Folk. We have replaced the fairy folk with royalty and palace intrigue; a suitable modernization, we felt.

In our version created as a sequel to The Miller, the miller’s wife – as the best baker in the realm – takes the reins when she is tied up in a plot to kill the king. While baking the Royal Birthday cake she manages to frustrate every regicidal attempt made by the intriguing assassins and to establish her eldest son as heir to the throne, providing a happy end for everyone. Well, almost everyone.

A Study Guide is available


The Miller’s Wife was awarded a Citation for Excellence in the Art of Puppetry by the Union International de la Marionette, and has taken Puppetmongers across Canada and the US., and to Britain and Europe.


For further information or to make a booking, contact Ann at ann@puppetmongers.com 416-538-6210

Curriculum Connections

  • Knowledge of Drama & Visual Arts Elements
  • Creative Work
  • Critical Thinking
  • Introduce Puppetry and Theatre Arts
  • Oral & Visual Communication
  • Social Studies – Heritage & Identity.

Character Education

  • Empathy
  • Cooperation
  • Kindness and Respect


Like eating your favourite dessert- you loved every morsel, every tidbit, and, when you were finished, you wanted more … All the superlatives available would belie the nuances and subtleties of this performance … a chance to see puppetry practiced at its finest.  Edmonton Journal.

Superbly refined and hilariously detached.”  The Corcoran Museum, Washington DC.