Puppetmongers’ world-touring multi-award-winning puppet plays and classroom workshops have been enriching the creative process that frames the Arts Curriculum since 1974.
Bookings include a post-performance Answers to Often Asked Questions video
To support the learning experience, Study Guides are available
A performance viewing is $50 per class
The Miller and the Miller’s Wife
A poor miller leads his family from rustic poverty to middle class comfort by gently guiding his none too ethical landlord, a gullible, grasping fellow, into simple financial speculations that go way over his head. This play is an adaptation of a classic folk tale known around the world under a multitude of names.
Foolish Tales for Foolish Times
Four classic tales of misadventure, full of venerable folk wisdom from around the world, are retold in a celebration of our shared humanity. Presented in a deceptively simple, low tech style, each story is told using a different style of puppetry, and highlights how we humans can overlook the obvious when we worry needlessly about the impossible, take advice without thinking, or use yesterday's solutions to solve today's problems.
Brick Bros. Circus
This inventive play delights audiences of all ages, bringing the world of play, creativity and performance to life, brick by brick by brick. Guaranteed to stimulate imaginations and spark creative thinking, the Brick Bros. Circus is a complete, miniature one-ring circus, performed by highly trained building bricks in itty bitty costumes. See the acrobatic Bildovitch Family, the breathtaking Madame Brikaskova, the amazing Brick Contortionist and much much more!
For information and bookings CONTACT US by email: